Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Turn for the Worse

On the bright side:

I had my last final today :)

On the darker side:

Found out my car is not driveable for the condition of the brakes. So all of my hopes, dreams, and plans for the time directy after I finished school is on hold. I am now at the complete mercy of the people in my household and friends with cars. Oh, and I'm going to be totally broke paying for the repairs.

Let's see: no car means no fun, and no reliable independent means of transportation. Paying for the brakes means no money, no money means no moving out, no moving out means life stagnation.

Also on the dark(er) side, I finally got into it with the parents: I was pushed to explain WHY I needed to have my car repaired in a timely manner, and instead of giving them the multiple, less controversial reasons I yelled that I hated living at home, and I hated living with them.

Needless to say they absolutely freaked out, and I'm an ungrateful, stupid child who will fail miserably in the real world.

Trying to keep a positive outlook, but it's getting pretty difficult here.


HSWLOVER said...

oh my.. it's hard to stay tactically politic with one's parents, isn't it? I hope there is some way to go back and apologize and smooth things over for tactical reasons. You were just totally frustrated, you never should have said such things, you appreciate all that they have done for you, yadda yadda yadda. What you really meant was that you hated to be dependent on people, even them.. They have raised you to be proud and try to take care of yourself, I know... gag and all that, but.......

Brunhilda said...

Oh no! You'll get through it; talk to them and just say you were stressed and you're sorry so it's civil until you can afford to move out.

Good luck!

Susie said...

Awwww. Keep your chin up...things will work out and I really do believe that you will be out of there soon!!

Congrats on finishing your finals :) Yay!

Badr said...

Life has this tendency to kick you when you are down? I crashed my car like a year ago still can't replace it and then i broke up with my fiance and to top it all off i was quit my job for this amazing oppertunity that disappeared once i did. Life can certainly be extremely interesting.

anyway once you reach such a low point you know for sure thing wont get any worse which is in a way reassuring.

love your blog but try to write more frequently

The Charming Hedonist said...

Car trouble sucks. And it sucks more when the parents hold all of the power. Yowsa. Good luck.

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be naughty said...

Car trouble sucks. And it sucks more when the parents hold all of the power. Yowsa. Good luck.