Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sheepish Return

So... it's almost awkward for me to make my tenuous return to the blog.

I feel guilty for two reasons... one, that I still read all the blogs I used to read and love and comment on, without the commenting, and two, that soooooo darn much has happened since November that I hardly know where to start.

I'd like to give a few, perhaps unnecessary excuses for my absence, and then a quick rundown of key points in my life that have been experienced since the last posting.

This is my last quarter at University, and in less than a week I am a free woman. The complete and total lack of motivation I have in my academic life, and work life, that has hung over my life like a dark cloud the past few months has apparently translated itself into the blog life as well. I think the only 'life' I've had any motivation to improve and to enjoy is my love life. There, I said it.

Also, I'm starting to have a few qualms about keeping a secret blog that my boyfriend does not know about, considering many many posts are about him and our relationship. Stuff of a sensitive nature. I think I began to panic when I maybe accidentally turned him on to SOat24's blog, where I had commented pretty frequently. I have a couple of identity-revealing pictures on my profile, and I felt like I was taking too much of a risk.

I've also been toying with the idea of shutting this blog down and having a more family-friendly blog that I could share with people I knew.. but that would mean there would be no more mentions of sex or really much about my relationship, or drunken nights of revelry with my friends. How much would I be willing to give up for a blog I could truly own?

Anyhow, there are a few dull excuses for nearly 5 months of dead air, so to speak.

A short rundown of things that have happened to me since (that may warrant future blog entries):

  • went on birth control
  • became a psycho crazy woman on birth control
  • went off birth control, and am now again a happy user of condoms
  • had a brief condom scare that then involved a trip to the pharmacy and had me trembling the rest of the month
  • no I'm not pregnant
  • had many earth-moving, soul-shattering revelations about my own character flaws
  • pulled my best friend through an excruciatingly difficult time in her life (still excruciating)
  • watched porn (and really liked it)
  • had graphic dreams involving myself and another random female

I guess those are some of the more interesting things, but I'm sure I've missed some.

Also, I found out I've been linked to from several blogs I've never seen before... and that they linked me AFTER I was dormant. Odd.

Will DEFINITELY be making my presence known once again on the lovely blogs that take up residence in my Google Reader... so happy to be able to actively participate (at least in blog form)!!


Elijah said...

Very happy to see that nothing untoward happened to you and that life is treating you well for the most part.

I wish you the very best and whatever you ultimately decide to do with your blog will be quite welcome reading in any event.



So@24 said...

Welcome back!

I'm flattered your showed the boyf my blog. What did he think?

So@24 said...

Oh nooooo!

I hope he doesn't think I was trying to get into your honeypot or anything. Eek.

I'd feel absolutely terrible!