Saturday, December 15, 2007

winter break!!!

Wow, it has been a while since I last updated.

Don't blame me... it wasn't my usual laziness that came between this blog and the creative side of my brain, it was the fact that the other half of it was busy memorizing science facts that I would gleefully wash directly out after my finals.

In fact, I don't remember a damn thing that I learned this quarter... and that's exactly how I like it.

So let me just say this: the stress of finals can really wear down your will power.

As in, my man and I finally did the dirty dirty deed... many many times!

It was, UH-mazing. I can't even begin to describe it.

It wasn't just the finals stress though... I was also incredibly hormonal. I had just gotten my period. And there is nothing more frustrating than really wanting something but not being able to have it due to forces beyond your control. I posted before about sex during your period, and came to the conclusion that I don't really like it... but still, I just couldn't help myself this time. The fact that it was almost totally not an option (because of the time of month) and the fact that it had been over 3 months and I'm not a patient woman, and the total 'fuck it all' attitude that came with finals week... combined to give me some of the greatest sex I've ever had.

Also, suspiciously enough I just read this article the other day on Jezebel... and wouldn't you know it, last week my man's antiperspirant ran out!!! Before you get grossed out, let me just say that he's always very clean, and for some reason what ever natural smell he has is absolutely intoxicating to me. Very sexy, manly... ugh, I'm getting excited shivers just imagining him shirtless with me tucked in against him, breathing him in...

So anyway, the fact that finals and this awful quarter are over and that I'm finally getting laid again amount to me being a very happy woman. I have all of tomorrow off in which to read trashy romance novels, get a pedicure, tan, nap, WHATEVER... to my hearts content!!! And on Monday I have my gyno appointment... and soon thereafter my first ventures into condom-less sex. Joy.


HSWLOVER said...

And of course we, your readers, wish you much orgasmic joy, and await your detailed reporting eagerly.


HSWLOVER said...

Given your earlier Aunt Flo post, I have to ask... Did the sex you had this time help those terrible cramps? Or did you just not mind so much?

Susie said...

Jealous!! I hope your weekend is as amazing as it sounds like your week was :) :)

badlittlegoodgirl said...

hswlover: I actually didn't have cramps the day I broke down and finally had sex again... had them the day before instead. No problems with pain whatsoever!

susie: I'm posting a response right now :)

Anonymous said...

Life after exams is always a good thing!